R F Designs
The Gut Girls
The Gut Girls was written by Sarah Daniels and portrays girls in a gutting shed making their way from the gutting sheds to more upper-class jobs such as servants. This production was part of 3 productions known as a Stratford Season. My role across the season was the Head of Lighting. It was my job to manage the lighting department across all 3 productions on the season and ensure that the departments are working safely and on schedule as well as to assist in resolving problems.
Production Photos
Photographer Michael O'Riley
Maggie Jessica Whitehurst
Annie Eleanor Kirby
Ellen Alana Chokarian
Kate Gabriela Gibbs
Polly Emily Dermont
Lady Helena Clare Noy
Lord Edwin Tartaden Henry Jennings
Harry David Thomas Croffy
Emily Rebecca Lyons
Arthur C. Smythe Daniele Antonini
Len Harry White
Edna Nora Jess Kambitsis
Jim Tom Higgins
Eady Lara Cooper-Chadwick
Priscilla Anna Elise LaFrance
Bert Mad Jacko Daniel Briggs
Director Gary Pillai
Designer Victoria Maytom
Lighting Designer Abi Turner
Production Supervisor David Salter
Production Manager Ryan Jacques
Company Manager Megan Childs
Technical Manager Nick Steer
Head of Lighting Rhys Ferris
Head of Sound Thomas Laing
Stage Management
Stage Manager Reece Woodhouse
Deputy Stage Manager Eoin Harrington
Assistant Stage Manager Zoe Cole
Assistant Stage Manager Rebecca Cladingboel
Production Electrician Matthew Ascough
Lighting Programmer Hudson Daly
Scenic Manager Dani Friedman
Scenic Manager Lily Gilmartin
Scenic Assistant Jakub Kurys
Scenic Assistant Jess Turkson
Costume Supervisor Gemma Ford
Costume Assistant Tanya Walsh
Costume Assistant Megan Mitchell
Costume Assistant Bethany Hayward
Costume Assistant Emily Annegarn